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The Organization of American Historians awarded the China Residency Fellowship for teaching the social history of American medicine to Dr. Humphreys in the Spring of 2017. Hosted at Shanghai University by Professor Yong-an Zhang of the Dean of Liberal Arts, and Director of the David F. Musto Center for Drugs and National Security Policy, she taught a seminar on this subject to thirty-six Chinese graduate students and faculty members whose field of study was American History. The seminar lasted five days, from July 18 through July 22.
China Residency Fellowship - Shanghai University
Lecture Series - Shaanxi Normal University
July, 2017
After the five day seminar at Shanghai University, she traveled to Shaanxi University in Xi’an, home of the terracotta warriors and antiquities of the Tang Dynasty (when Xi’an was the capital). There she lectured to graduate students and visiting scholars at the Research Center for the Social History of Medicine, led by Professor Li Hua-Cheng.

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